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Our Programs

Each week differs with new fun-pack activities and excursions as we follow a curriculum that is led by the children interests, although weekly outings and programs the children take part in are fixed.

Involving weekly outings in our curriculum allows the children to explore community resources and take part in programs which are ways in which the children interact with the greater community and build confidence in public.

These include:

  • Library

  • Local Parks

  • SciTech

  • Weekly A to Zoo program

  • Kings park

  • Museums

Along with these weekly outing we also have a variety of resources that continue to extend the children’s development. Being centrally located in Perth’s south with a dedicated environment for the children’s learning and a sustainable outdoor area. We have a flexible curriculum that follows the children’s interests and also key Early Childhood resources. This includes the curriculums: My Time, Our Place and Belonging, Being and Becoming. We also work towards the children’s age appropriate milestone and include the 5 Early Learning outcomes in our program planning.

Programs: Programs
Kids Blowing Bubbles

Outdoor Play

Spending time in our natural world gives the children opportunities to engage in group play, develop their physical milestones and learn about sustainable practices, so creating a stimulating outdoor environment for the children to facilitate this is extremely important.

With a communal vegetable patch, compost turner, outdoor play equipment, a sustainability focused curriculum along with excursion to parks and the zoo, the children are able to engage with their outdoor environment all throughout the week.

Our weekly outing to the A to Zoo program at Perth Zoo allows the children to learn about different animals from around the world, habitats and the importance of sustainability in preserving their ecosystems. Attending parks and botanical gardens gives the children opportunities to learn about our native flora and fauna and play in a new outdoor environment.

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